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My stage name is "Tha Kid" ( for marketing purposes I use the name "Igobythakid"). I have been performing, songwriting and recording music since the age 14. I recorded my first song in high school. Be sure to click my music tab at the top of my website. I have music videos on here in the "Igobythakid" section. I appreciate your feedback and support on my music! I am currently working on releasing my first studio project called "Anger Management". To find my projects online search my stage name "igobythakid" on all digital media platforms music is sold. (Snatch ' N Gwap, The Concept and The Concept 1.5 ect). I like to use a sites such as Thizzler and Bay Area Compass to promote my music on because it focuses on promoting Bay Area musicians. I am from Oakland, CA. I am open to collaborate with serious artists. My passion is in collaborating ideas with videographers to make movies. I do not like to make music videos with the rap artist just rapping in front of the camera anymore...I find joy in creating a cinema for my audience to watch.
daily news
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"We just released C2daj and Quincy Black's new video called "Stop Sign" shot by Nathan J TV. My notifications are getting positive responses from the new song I featured Entyce on. Special thanks to Chaz Cameron @chazgoesinstaham for producing and mixing the record!"
- Carlos Barnaby (#Igobythakid #sng #cbarnabymedia

"I like to use all of my social medias to promote to new music listeners, I still find joy in hunting down real listeners!"

To purchase a t shirt please, contact Calvin Smith.
graphic of the day